We welcome all questions and comments you may have. Feel free to contact us if you don’t find the answer you’re seeking in the FAQs below.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Do you accept Medicare and Medicaid patients?
Yes. We accept nearly all insurance plans, including Medicare, Medicaid, and Champus. Our office staff is happy to assist patients seeking reimbursement from their health insurance companies.
What are Dr. Rothweiler’s certifications, credentials, and professional memberships?
See Dr. Rothweiler’s bio page for a brief summary of his specialty areas, preferred treatment modalities, and educational background. For further details of his professional memberships, awards, work history, and publications, feel free to download his full Curriculum Vitae (PDF).
What types of medical and health professionals does Dr. Rothweiler work with?
Dr. Rothweiler works in collaboration with primary care doctors, pulmonologists, hospitalists, spine and neuroscience practitioners, social workers, as well as other medical and mental health providers, paraprofessionals, and support staff.
What are Dr. Rothweiler’s referral guidelines?
It’s preferred that physicians write a prescription for therapy on an official Rx pad. When possible, it’s advised that medical practitioners have patients call Rothweiler Clinical Psychology (housed within Elmergreen Associates Counseling Center) to schedule an appointment while the client is still in their office. Dr. Rothweiler currently has openings and will work to see referred patients as soon as possible.
Does Dr. Rothweiler assist with Return-to-Work Programs?
Yes. Dr. Rothweiler has worked with patients in civil service positions (e.g., police officers, members of the armed forces) and others to successfully transition them back to work after a trauma. He can work with both employers and patients to achieve an appropriate outcome for all involved.
What does your office do to protect patients’ privacy?
Your right to privacy is of utmost importance to us. As required by law, all therapy sessions are strictly confidential, and all patient records are securely stored in our office. To assist with patient confidentiality, discrete off-street parking is available in the rear of our building. (NOTE: Rothweiler Clinical Psychology is housed within Elmergreen Associates Counseling Center, located at 114 Grand Avenue, near the courthouse in downtown Wausau.)
What do you see as your patients’ responsibilities?
Patients are expected to arrive on time for sessions, pay all fees in full, invest in and take responsibility for their own growth and progress, and understand Dr. Rothweiler’s professional boundaries and office policies.
Where is Rothweiler Clinical Psychology located?
Dr. Rothweiler’s office is housed within Elmergreen Associates Counseling Center, located at 114 Grand Avenue, near the courthouse in downtown Wausau. To assist with patient confidentiality, discrete off-street parking is available in the rear of our building.
Rothweiler Clinical Psychology
Elmergreen Associates Counseling Center
114 Grand Avenue
Wausau, WI 54403
Phone: 715.845.7175
Office Hours:
8am – 4pm Mon–Thurs
8am – noon Fri
Weeknights by appointment only